What have you noticed lately about your energy levels? 


Let's re-design your stamina so you feel good about your body, make sustainable lifestyle choices, and have accountability for your best life.


Do any of these ring a bell?

What happened to my energy, and how do I get it back? 

I love food too much.

It's hard to get out of bed.

It's hard not to feel frazzled.

How do I maximize every day when time is precious? 


Your vitality and stamina play a huge role in your overall well-being.


Let Kathy be your guide to a more energized and vibrant you.


Everyone wants the energy to live precisely as they wish, regardless of age.

At some point in our lives, energy seemed to vanish into thin air. Ironically, getting it back requires energy. Here we are, in a vicious circle of hoping to feel better and connected to this life but too tired or worn down to pursue it. So, the days continue to drift by. 

But now you are starting to notice the amount of sugar you lean on for a pick-me-up is getting a little intense. You may notice the number of clothes in your closet that don't fit is becoming more numerous than the ones that do. You may be noticing you want to exercise but either don't have the energy to do it, or you're frustrated because even when you do, you aren't seeing any changes. 

How do you live your best life while embracing the changes that age brings? How do you get more energy when you have nothing to give?

Let's work together on your best life. 

You deserve to be healthy and vibrant at every age.

Ready to get your energy boosted?

Here's how I can help...

Increased Energy

Gain Accountability

Stabilize Weight

Develop Calming Techniques

Better Sleep Hygiene

Magnify Mindfulness

Be Active

Feel Confident

Improved Diet through Holistic Eating

Magnify your energy.


Boost your quality of life.


Grab my free 

3 Secrets for Unstoppable Energy Gift

with quick insights on how to

Build your Resiliency.



I help people over 55 regain energy to live healthy, thriving, and empowered lives.

Blending modern science and ancient wisdom to offer you transformational experiences, inside and out.


Work With Me:

1:1 Coaching

Please work with me to design your individualized health program. What is it that holds you back? We'll develop a personalized method to move your 55+ health to the top of your to-do list. Using proven formulas, unlock the best path to optimal health and wellness. 


Online Course

Uplevel & Thrive at 55 is a step-by-step course guiding you through my signature Five Reins Method. You will gain strength by learning how to amplify your RELAXATION, EXERCISE, IMMUNE SYSTEM, NUTRITION, and SLEEP to the next level to age with strength and vitality. 


Hello, I'm Kathy and I have been right where you are... 

As someone who is health conscious, it was unnerving when I experienced a decline in my energy and saw how much it affected every aspect of my life. From the ability to exercise and lose weight to relaxing and sleeping, I was eating sugar to stay awake. I was also worried about potentially getting ill and not being able to recover. Simply put, it was just so exhausting to be exhausted! And I just kept thinking I could figure it out by myself and hoping something would change. But then I opened myself up to receiving help and support and found a better way, which made a world of difference.

Combining my years of experience and training, I relied on the knowledge from decades of healthful living, modern science, and ancient wisdom to produce the Five Reins Method. This method calls in abundant energy for an empowered life, allowing you to embrace the changes you are experiencing instead of being consumed by them.

Now, through ARAY Wellness Coaching, I share all of this knowledge with people over 55 so they can have vibrant and energetic lives. And now, you can too.


"I am so grateful I have Kathy as a coach. It is a gift to have Kathy pour her care and attention into me as a client in her one-on-one and other coaching programs. Her coaching provides a boost of nourishment for my mind, body, and spirit when I am feeling worn down from life's demands. We work together so I can make healthy, energizing, and strengthening lifestyle choices. Kathy has empowered me to use new tools for my health and well-being. Kathy is such a compassionate guide, and it is truly a blessing having her in my corner, rooting me on in my health and wellness goals! "

Mia B

3 Steps to Get Started:

Receive a mini-plan with the next step for your best health

Start living an empowered and energetic life!

Join The Sisterhood

The Health Wisdom for Women 55+ Sisterhood

is a free facebook group for you!

As a 55+ woman, you can have

a healthy, empowered, and thriving life.


No one will ever care about improving your energy levels as much as you do.

You're in the driver's seat.

I'm here to help you take back the reins of your health.

Start your journey with my gift.


“I believe every person is capable of

unlocking their full potential at any age.”

Kathy Magan Smith

It's challenging to make the changes you want to see when you come from a place of energetic depletion. Without a guided plan forward, you will continue to struggle. You can have unstoppable energy and reduce your struggle. I can help.

Let's get started today with proven steps for your optimal health. 


50% Complete

Two Step

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