How can we be self-aware, vulnerable, and sincere in this season of gratitude? November 2024 Newsletter

November 2024 Newsletter

How can we be authentic with our words?

πŸ¦ƒ 🌲 πŸŽ† The holidays are fast approaching. 

Explore your authentic self through the lens of friends and family. 

These are opportunities to spread peace and create genuine connections. 

As we warmly head into the holiday season, let’s explore how to stay genuine and authentic during a tricky time of year. 


I love to have a few questions ready for when there’s a lag in the discussion. 

Or when the conversation is begging for a new direction. 


“What’s the most courageous thing you’ve ever done?”

"What's the most beautiful place you've ever been?"


Let's direct the dialogue into places of honest whole-heartedness.


Soul-centering adventures

🌡 🏞️ πŸŽ’ When was your last one? Who was it with? Where were you? 

As we settle into the darker months, reflect on past years. 

What brought a sense of calm to your life? 


Have you taken on a corn maze in your area to test your spatial skills? 

I received my dear granddaughter Clara’s picture in a pumpkin.  


How heart-warming and endearing. 

These moments are fleeting, and I receive this message daily as a grandmother. 


Find adventures and activities that are soul-centered and bring you peace and joy, and share them with others. This phrase came to me when talking to a dear friend about the importance of meaningful relationships. 


How can we be self-aware, vulnerable, and sincere in this season of gratitude? 

⛏️ πŸͺ¬ 🫢🏼 Dig deep into what brings peace to your world and share it open-heartedly with others. Others are waiting for your wisdom. My clients are people over the age of 55. We've had time to learn to accept who we and others truly are. 

We deeply understand the importance of real connections. 


Are there triggering conversations you'd rather avoid, such as political debates or family conflicts?


Here are a few traits of open-heartedness ~

Unconditional positive regard for others


Embrace individuality-yours and theirs

Listen twice as much as talking 


At your next gathering, I encourage your courageousness. Perhaps you could say, “I'd like to change the conversation by asking a question." 


Every day, there are opportunities to create more centeredness in the world. Prioritize where you go, who you spend time with, and what you talk about.


It takes courage to ask probing questions.

A deep-seated question can stop people in their tracks.

I love to encourage others to speak their truth.

Let's broaden the conversation.

Just writing this opens my heart chakra.   


Authenticity is matching up the things you do with the things you say.

πŸ‘πŸΌ πŸ“Ώ πŸ™πŸΌ How do you stay open and genuine to yourself, especially in a crowd?


Let me know. I’d love to hear from you.

Ready to lean into your authentic self?

Let’s chat in a Deeper Health Coaching Call and discuss the best ways to be genuine and authentic.



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