September 2024 Newsletter
Three whys of wellness.
What in your life helps you check the boxes?
Thought-provoking and calming accountability
A spicy perspective and outlet to lifelong learning
It’s easier to do hard things when there's variety in life
The Payoff
Health statistics can scare me. However, the news and social media are full of suggestions and advice on living your best life. Somehow, these healthy lifestyle choices get lost in translation. The payoff of making healthful decisions is slow. Dedication can be as shaky as a bowl of, well, jelly. It’s been a hard day. Stress levels skyrocket for any number of reasons. As the saying goes, the devil is in the details. I’m here for my clients when their dedication droops like a forgotten flower in the noonday sun. Accountability creates impact.
Intellectual challenge
Over the years, we have evolved into different versions of ourselves. ARAY Wellness ignites my passion for helping women foster health through mindful practices. I relish the challenges of constantly learning and sharing as much as I can about elder health. This is the essence of healthcare. I’m proud to be part of a lineage of healers, and I’m grateful that my caring is both effortless and stimulating.
I love Variety.
Helping others integrate the health benefits of my Five Reins Program through
📿 🪬 Relaxation,
🚲 🥾Exercise,
🍵 🧄Immunity to Illness,
🥑🥗Nutrition, and
💤 😴Sleep
speaks to my love of diversity and inclusion, even, or especially, in our health.
I incorporate five essential elements of health into ARAY Wellness’s eagle-eye view of what it means to be vital, especially as we age. In my mind, the secret sauce of deep, powerful health is made when the five aspects of health function well.
At ARAY Wellness Coaching, we approach wellness as a journey that offers a variety of paths, much like a wellness smorgasbord. We blend your simple and the challenging from the five options listed above, always striving for balance and harmony.
What scents are in your potpourri of life? What calls to you?
Keeping mind, body, and soul in sync is all-encompassing. What a beautiful phase of our lives when we might have more time to focus on who we are now or dive deep after retirement.
What’s your why? What fills you as it challenges you? As you walk the path and follow your passion, may the reins of health lead you to more profound wellness. I'd love to discuss anything that's holding you back on your path to wellness.
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