March 2024 Newsletter Spring is in the air! What will you do to greet the new Spring season?

March 2024 Newsletter


Spring is in the air!

What will you do to greet the new Spring season? 

What memories come to mind? 

Let the new season brighten your mood as you replace the snow shovels with a garden trowel. 

Distill Spring's best and soak up the goodness that comes after making it through another winter. 


I love talking about Spring during late winter. 

I know not everyone lives in Zone 3-6 like me, and you may already be wearing your rain jackets, and tulips may be blooming in your garden. Snow has been scarce in Montana, so I'm considering when to plant my radish seeds. Is starting herbs on the windowsill calling to you?


A harbinger is "a person or thing that announces or signals the approach of another." 

What are you looking for in the Spring? Your spring cleaning may involve changing out your clothes. Word has it that we wear only 20% of our clothing 80% of the time. Haven't worn an item in a year? Make space in your closet. Leave it empty or not—your choice. 


Being on the lookout for the first and then the next spring blooms in people's yards and public parks is revitalizing. 

While growing up in Pittsburgh, a trip to Phipps' Conservatory in March or April was such a treat each year. We breathed the warm, humid air amid rooms of narcissus, tulips, and hyacinths and knew that warm weather was coming. 

Seeing forsythia blooming on our driveway in Vermont gave us the fortitude to hang on until the apple trees were in blossom, then wait for the lilacs, and then suddenly, the weather was warm, and our long winter was long forgotten. 


Spring is looming. 

Even the name Spring can bring a smile to people's faces. Is it a time of year that brings a sense of fun and playfulness? How can you prepare to make the most of the next three months? Pick activities to do in this liminal time that speak to you. What are your favorite spring memories? Spend time reminiscing. Who can you share this slice of your life story with? 

We've kicked last season's snooze button. 

Let's ditch winter's cocoon and emerge energized. 

Recreate your favorite memories and leave time to make new ones. Shed the layers. 

Rediscover the joy of sunshine and blooms. Get out your rain boots and kites. 

Choose your adventure. 

And remember the sunscreen. 


If you’d like help Marie Kondo-ing your physical, mental, or spiritual space, I’m here for you. 

Grab a call today, and let’s build a sweet nest for your eggs of possibility.



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