November 2021 Blog Change of Seasons

Isn’t it funny how our taste buds change over the years? 

Then, Skippy peanut butter was the cat’s meow. 

Now, it’s freshly ground nut butter from the coop. 

A frequent treat had always been stopping at the bakery on the way home from school for a cruller.

Now, the Left-over Oatmeal Muffins with fruit and nuts are the sweet of choice. 

Then and now….how things evolve. 


I’m in the middle of my fourth fast of the year. 


Three days with only liquids and three days on either side to wean off and back onto food.


What are the benefits? 


  • The golden hues of autumn are glorious. 
  • It’s easier to hear the jewels of wisdom from within.
  • There’s a reset with food, especially salty and sweet. 
  • A calm descends and stays for weeks. 
  • During a silent fast, sinking into the quiet is even easier. And, it’s fun to talk again.
  • Breaking the fast, each bite of food is spectacular. 



Fasts have been done around the world for millennia. 

It’s possible to cure chronic infections with them. 

There is a sense of aliveness that is intangible and so pervasive. 


Growing up, going without food for days only happened during an illness.

Remember how good food tasted when you were on the mend, that first sip of soup or bite of fruit?

Now, it’s possible to get that appreciation for food without getting sick. 

It’s amazing how preconceived notions of food intake can change. 


How many of you enjoy a challenge? 

Do you need to reconceive your food choices? 


With the upcoming holidays, I am putting a stake in the ground for you to emerge in the New Year and feel good about your food choices. 


Join me in the Beat the Holiday Blues Master Classes 

Wednesday, November 3rd OR Saturday, November 6th, both at 11 am MT/1 pm ET.


Dive into strategies to build good energy as you find time to exercise. 

And sleep well because you’ve moved your body. 

Relax and get grounded and keep the jangle out of your jingle. 

The holidays are complex. 

Let this free, 90-minute Master Class help sort out the gifts that fit. 


Then and now. 

Life can be different. 

And better. 

Jump in today


Let’s do this together! with love, 


ARAY Wellness Coaching


P.S. Check this out!!!

This November, I along with 40 plus experts are sharing the scoop on lowering stress, balancing hormones, overcoming burnout, mastering your mindset, getting control over disordered eating, cravings, adrenal fatigue, balancing hormones, and on November 9 I’ll be speaking on 3 Keys to Keep the Scale Where You Want It!

Join now to receive over $5000 in Guides, Checklists, and Plans.

And not only are we spilling our secrets… we’re giving you all of our guides, checklists, and plans we use to nail these strategies to help you get to your optimal healthy weight for FREE! 

Join us for this free 14-day Beyond the Food Weight Loss Summit.

This free online summit runs from November 1st thru November 14th, 2021. This online summit is designed to help women who are just starting their healthy weight loss journey and women who feel stuck and want to develop holistic systems and strategies so they can break the chains of dieting and get to their optimal healthy weight for their unique bodies. 

You can sign-up for the Free Beyond the Food Weight Loss Summit by clicking here! 

Sign up TODAY to gain access to 40+ checklists, templates, and guides worth over $5,000!

See you there!


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