May 2023 Newsletter How do you focus easily? What distracts you?

Uncategorized Mar 01, 2024

May 2023 Newsletter

Does focus come easily? 


Or are you easily distractable?


I’m sure you have goals for the spring/summer.

Hopefully, your good health is at the top of your daily to-do list. 

How do you describe a life well spent?

Focus, and don’t delay. 


Focus. This is the word that keeps sounding when it’s quiet, in my heart and mind. 

Have you heard the saying, “The days are long, and the years are short”? It’s so true. 

We make our way through each day, hopefully bringing more peace and love into the world. One day might not be a game changer and yet, these 24-hour segments comprise our lives. 

Are you making the most of yours? 


Perhaps being a Gigi and noticing how fast the time flies while watching my grandson’s growth and progress makes me more aware of the fleeting quality of time. 


What does it mean to focus? As we age, the brevity of life becomes more apparent. 

How do you put the blinders on and devote yourself to what really matters? 

To not be distracted by news scrolling or going down the rabbit hold of social media, this can save precious hours each week. 


Make the most of each day. Deepen relationships. 

I went on a sweet trip with a dear friend this month. We had been planning this getaway for twenty years and finally asked ourselves, “What are we waiting for?” It was

Are there events you’ve been putting off? 

Pay attention to the whispers that hold the truth. 

How do you make space for that? 


Hopefully, where there’s focus, there’s also fun. 

Do you smile every day? Seek out activities that magnify joy. 

As you dial in what’s important, feel the lightness that accompanies the knowledge that you are prioritizing a healthful lifestyle. 


A life well-led…isn’t that the legacy you’d like to pass on? 


How to ensure for focused success? 

Let’s tap into two of the Five Reins Program that I uphold as critical to unstoppable energy. 


Is your stress level manageable? 

I believe that Relaxation is the perfect place to begin a quest for more vitality. 

Many of the women I work with wish they could reduce their levels of anxiety. 

It’s difficult to be in the present moment when cortisol, the stress hormone, is coursing through the body.


Do you get cranky after sitting for too long? 

Are you one of the 25% of Americans who are focused, 

and achieve the recommended 150 minutes of Exercise each week? 

Get healthier using mindful movement as fuel for your body. 

Reduce your chance of being diagnosed with heart disease or diabetes, 

and have fun with aerobic exercise, strength training, balance, and flexibility sessions. 

Yes, it’s possible πŸ˜‰


When was the last time you were sick? Did you recover easily? 

I recently came down with a cold. Using my health-oriented practices, I was over it in two days. 

Lingering symptoms are no fun, and can often lead to secondary infections, 

especially when the respiratory system is involved.  


What helps you to prioritize your goals? 

How you focus is as individual as you are. The bright, shiny things in life can be so distracting. 


You’re in charge, and today is the day. 

Focus on the good. 

Make choices that signal to the world that a healthful life is important to you. 


Do you need accountability with your 5 Reins… 

to Relax, Exercise, be Immune to Illness

get a grip on Nutrition, or Sleep with ease? 

Let’s talk during your complimentary 30-minute Age Powerfully Discovery Call

Today is the best day to focus on your best health. 


Today is yesterday’s tomorrow. What are you putting off?


Let a ray of wellness magnify your health, laughter, love, and your life well-lived.


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